Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then shall we see face to face. Now I know in part; then shall I know fully, even as I am fully known. ( 1 CORINTHIANS 13:12)
My Grandma, Doris Kennington, passed on to be with the Lord; Wednesday, 3-5-2008. She will be greatly missed by our family and all who knew her. Even as I am saddened by her passing, it has been a great blessing to reflect on Grandma's life. Her outlook, attitude, and actions were all rooted in an immovable faith in God's promise and love.
Grandma's positive outlook on life and upbeat attitude had profound effect on everyone around her. She had kind and encouraging words ready at any time and was generous with her time, food, and many other things. Grandma was an excellent cook and always had room for more at her table. She was featured in our local paper as "Cook of the Week" in 1979. In that article, one can catch a glimpse of Grandma's positive attitude as she was quoted:"...keep your sense of humor...people will be more interested in the bright side...never be ashamed to say you are sorry." This was an article on cooking and she encouraged other cooks to "keep trying and tackle anything." At this point I might mention, Grandma was an avid Dallas Cowboys and Texas Tech Red Raider fan.
I was talking with my dear friend, Dr. Chris Sutton, who served as Grandma's pastor for over 13 years, and he told me of a conversation they had that gives insight to her faith and upbeat attitude. After church one day she told him that Christians who are worried and complaining about their tough time in life and are down in the dumps all the time "are living beneath their privilege as children of the Kingdom." He went on to say that, "Doris was a perfect example of that statement as I never saw her 'down' even though I knew she had difficulties, as we all do." Chris told me he would never forget what she said that day. Just one phrase, from who knows when, but it stuck! What an effect great faith and a great attitude has.
Dr. Sutton, in consoling me, mentioned the verse above. (1 CORINTHIANS 13:12) Grandma's faith has paid off as now she is "face to face" with her Lord and no longer does she "see through a glass darkly". The glass, or mirror; is not just clear now, it's gone!
The Bible, Grandma's most cherished book, describes faith as "...being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see". (HEBREWS 11:1) Grandma was "certain" of God's promise of eternal life through the salvation of His son Jesus. Now, in our grief as a family at the loss of such a remarkable matriarch, we also celebrate her life and legacy of faith. We can find joy that she is now home with the Father.In 1935, Blanche Currier, a friend of Grandma's from Southwestern Bible School in Enid, Oklahoma, wrote this to Doris (Grandma) in her 'autograph book'.
When the golden sun is setting
and this earth no more you trod
May your name in gold be written
in the autograph of God

Doris M. Kennington (age 16)
Blanche, your beautiful thoughts have come to pass and God has brought home a true angel of a person; who walked this earth with us for a while...and left blessings where she trod.