Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To Learn and Know

Dear friends and loved ones, I am writing this in order to learn myself so please bear with me. Dr. Stephen Covey said in his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People” that ‘To learn and not DO; is not to learn, to know and not DO; is not to know’. That seems right on to me and very indicative of my life thus far. So, having shared this I only invite ya’ll to bear with me trying to learn and perhaps even come to KNOW something.

Before you begin reading I ask that you close your eyes and imagine back to your early years, you know the formative ones, when you first noticed your own interests. When you were 13, 14, 15, or even older, what grabbed your imagination or even now what do you feel drawn to? What fired your passions (please guys we are talking about wholesome and non-destructive here), what did you daydream about doing or being? Is that still a part of who you are today or did you stick it up on a shelf for being too silly, too much work, or too slow at yielding the results we wanted?

Okay, we’re done with the daydream part. let’s see where we can go from here!

When David, son of Jesse, was a young shepherd boy what do you imagine occupied his daydreams? I can see him dreaming of being a warrior like his older brothers, a commander of men, or even a great and mighty king. Around that time in his life something awesome happened.
“So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him (king) in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power...” (1 SAMUEL 16:13)
Samuel, the prophet, THE man of God of the time, told a 14 or 15 year old David he was going to be king over all of Israel. Wow! Can you imagine the excitement, the temptation, the magnitude of such an anointing on one so young? How easy would it have been to lord that over one’s brothers. To demand respect and considerations from those around would probably have been most of our first order of business. David did not get that opportunity. The bible tells us David went back out to tend his father’s sheep, not even his (the anointed and future king) sheep.

Next we hear of David as a young man still tending his father’s sheep. We know he is older, probably 19 or 20, as he is referred to as “…a brave man and a warrior.”
(1 SAMUEL 16:18)
The current king, Saul, summoned David to serve him as a harpist and help ease the pain caused by a vexing spirit from the Lord. To serve more? By playing the harp? You’re kidding, right! This is the anointed future king we’re discussing. What a pain, more tedious service, shepherding, playing music to ease headaches; go take a nap Saul, David can take it from here! Oops!

See how easy it is to get impatient with God’s plan. This plan isn’t even for me. Shoot, it already happened and I’m frustrated with the pace. How much of God’s plan for my life have I missed or delayed due to my own impatience?

God used David to slay a giant (1 SAMUEL 17:50) with skills developed by tending sheep! God used David’s harp playing skills, born of many hours of practice I’m sure. Meanwhile the deceiver, Satan was continually trying to thwart, discourage, distract, and otherwise making a complete nuisance of himself. David, God’s anointed one had to overcome the lion and the bear. (1 SAMUEL 17:34-37) He fought and defeated “…in the name of the Lord Almighty…” Goliath. Even Saul, king of Israel tried to kill David as he was playing his harp. (1 SAMUEL 18:10-11) Saul chased David into caves, deserts, and all over Israel. (1 SAMUEL19-26) Personally, based on my own history, I believe I would have given up on my dreams and God’s plans after so much tedium and difficulty.

Not David! David stayed strong and grew stronger, both in the Lord and as a man. How grateful I am that David was a “…man after God’s own heart…” (1 SAMUEL 13:14) that I, or hopefully WE, can learn something about perseverance. Faithfulness to God’s anointing on our own lives and an awareness of that anointing should be our goal. I have fallen short of that aim time and time again, yet God is so patient and loving and forgiving of my rebellion, my impatience, my failings, that it breaks my heart and fills it to overflowing with hope. You see, we’re not finished yet. God isn’t finished yet.

Does that excite you? Does that make your passion flare? It does mine!

Now back to our earlier exercise in remembering the passions of our youth. In David’s time before Christ, God gave the Israelites prophets. Men of God such as Moses, Joshua, and Samuel; were directed by God to lead the people in His will. These men were given the power of anointing to actually tell God’s chosen how and where and when to do certain things. Sometimes I wish for someone like that. You know someone to say in audible words “Brad, just do such and such…” JOHN 14:26 tells us God sent “a counselor, the Holy Spirit…” to teach and guide us.

I haven’t been listening. Things are too difficult, too slow too tedious. I’m so easily distracted, dissuaded, and discouraged too much of the time. That is exactly where the enemy wants us! When we are young and even as we grow God inflames our passions, and gets our hearts a-goin’. We get scared, tired, grow complacent. We just get by. Not wanting to risk anything, many times we risk nothing. Are you excited about your faith! Are you uncomfortable yet? I’m getting there and I am listening to the counselor!

I don’ know where God will lead me next. Of course I’m hoping for the palace with all of its comforts, but maybe God just wants me to tend someone’s sheep or play a harp or practice slinging rocks. Maybe he wants me to run to the desert or even show mercy on my enemies when they are helpless in a cave (1 SAMUEL 26:9). I don’t know where or what exactly lays before me this year, but I am excited. You never know when God will open the door to use that which fires your imagination and ignites your passion. Listen and seek His will, His anointing. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make you paths straight” (PROVERBS 3:5-6)

David’s paths were straight though they were long and varied and took time. Be patient and listen, be diligent with those things that drew you as a youth or even now. Put your passion in God’s capable hands and see where the adventure leads!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for the inspiration, buddy. You keep telling me that I'm the one with the gift for words, but I think you're selling yourself short. This is publish-worthy stuff. I'm off to post a blog, eat some salsa, and walk the dog. Have a great and blessed day, brother!
