A light is fading in my world, and yours though you may not know it. My Grandma turns 90 years old in August. She is ill, however and may not stay with us that long.
As long as I can remember I've never known her to be sick. Sure, she has had both knees replaced and uses a walker, but sick I've rarely, if ever, seen. Grandma is one of the most consistant persons I've had the pleasure to know. My whole life I could count on my Grandma's reaction to me, or to anyone for that matter. Love. Acceptance of you for you. Compassion.
She is Mother to 8 children (one of whom is my Mom) and Grandmother to... oh heck, I can't count that high. There are many great grandkids (5 being my own children), and quite a few great-greats. A full and thriving family tree is her legacy. We are varied and scattered and have more in common than blood. Some are children or grandchildren by marriage and name only, some by proximity only. We ALL are truly loved by Grandma, and every one of us love her back.
I've been lucky to live nearby most of my days. Others have been fortunate to enjoy extended visits in thier own homes far away. I've just taken it for granted that Grandma would always be here. She won't be. And that is hard to accept. She's always encouraged. Always celebrated our successes and achievements. Always cried for our pain and suffered loss alongside. How very fortunate I have been!
My Grandma has always been there. Right in the very house in which she lived when I was born. I wish I had visited more. I wish I had basked in her affection more. I wish I had said I love you more. I wish...
As long as I can remember I've never known her to be sick. Sure, she has had both knees replaced and uses a walker, but sick I've rarely, if ever, seen. Grandma is one of the most consistant persons I've had the pleasure to know. My whole life I could count on my Grandma's reaction to me, or to anyone for that matter. Love. Acceptance of you for you. Compassion.
She is Mother to 8 children (one of whom is my Mom) and Grandmother to... oh heck, I can't count that high. There are many great grandkids (5 being my own children), and quite a few great-greats. A full and thriving family tree is her legacy. We are varied and scattered and have more in common than blood. Some are children or grandchildren by marriage and name only, some by proximity only. We ALL are truly loved by Grandma, and every one of us love her back.
I've been lucky to live nearby most of my days. Others have been fortunate to enjoy extended visits in thier own homes far away. I've just taken it for granted that Grandma would always be here. She won't be. And that is hard to accept. She's always encouraged. Always celebrated our successes and achievements. Always cried for our pain and suffered loss alongside. How very fortunate I have been!
My Grandma has always been there. Right in the very house in which she lived when I was born. I wish I had visited more. I wish I had basked in her affection more. I wish I had said I love you more. I wish...
Grandma has lived a life of light. A full life. When you spend time with her you want to be a little warmer to those around you. A little more... loving, a little less judgemental. She has lived a life of faith. Faith in God. Faith in the better natures of all she encounters. Grandma has spread alot of light with her laughter, her smile, her pies & cakes (she spent time growing up in a bakery), but mostly through her incredible faith. I'm not in any way saying Grandma had an easy life; those are stories for another time; I am, however saying that Grandma CHOSE to spread Light and Joy and Love wherever she went to whomever she touched.
I love you Grandma!
I thought your remarks so well thought out and lovely. Grandma would love them if she were able to read them. Thanks, Mom
What a gift with words you have...so beautiful and real and true...this made me cry, and I agree with every word of it.
love you! Melissa
What absolutely wonderful thoughts.
They are truly from the heart. Of all the great gifts God gave me, one of the greatest is being able to call her Mother!!!
Thank You.
Uncle Greg
I was so moved,I can't tell you how much,I cried too Melissa, thank you for saying so beautifully what we all feel about our beloved Grandma. Bless you my brother, love Gregor
Your words express so beautifully what all of ud feel. I have always loved her dearly, but have tried never to take her for granted. We will miss her tremendously, but will never forget her.
Uncle Neale
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